MPC5777M (Matterhorn) Multi-Core Architecture
Target Applications
Automotive, aerospace, industrial, and commercial.
Course Description
This 3 day course offers in-depth overview of the Multi-Core MPC5777M device. Full coverage of the on-chip PowerPC cores is provided including Power Architecture main features, operation and Programming. Two cores running in Lock-step to ensure safety integrity level (ASIL) requirements for safety critical applications.
The course covers the on-chip tightly-coupled memories including instruction and data caches, core memory management unit (CMPU), system memory protection Unit (SMPU), Low power management, system Integration and chip pad configuration, system exception, Interrupt controller and external interrupts, boot assist Flash (BAF) and startup sequence for all on-chip processor cores, semaphore unit (SEM4) which allows sharing of system resources to ensure data integrity and coherency, cross-bar switches to support simultaneous multi-master to multi-slave accesses.
Details of most of on-chip peripherals, such Deserial Serial Peripheral Interface (DSPI), micro-second channel (TSB), eDMA multiplexers and eDMA engine, serial interfaces, periodic interrupt timers (PITs), system timers (STMs), watchdog timers (WDGs). It also covers the multiple on-chip SAR_ADCs and SD_ADCs including trigger signals from GTM and other external signals. Full details of the Generic Timer Module (GTM) also covered.
Who Should Attend
Software and system engineers who need to come up to speed quickly on how to program and design with the MPC5777M Device.
Knowledge/experience of some microprocessor/microcontroller is necessary.
After completing the course, the participant will understand the basic concepts of this quad core device and all major functional blocks.
Detailed Agenda
Day 1
MPC5777M Overview
MPC5700 Family Roadmap
Main Features and System Architecture
On-chip tightly-coupled memories including instruction and data caches
Level 1 and level 2 memory organization and operation
Power architecture core programming Model that covers (e200z7 and z425) cores including variable-length encoding (VLE) and light signal processing unit (LSP)
Core memory protection unit (CMPU)
Crossbar switches and bus master arbitration sequence
System memory protection unit (SMPU)
Power Architecture Exceptions and Interrupts
Day 2
Interrupt controller, architectural features and startup sequence
Interrupt Controller and Context Switching (New Instructions)
Semaphore Block
System Clock Generation and PLL operation
Pad (Pin) assignment and configuration
Boot-assist Flash (BAF boot sequence)
System Reset Sources and Reset Handling
Device configuration and system initialization at startup
Mode Entry Module (Low power and run modes)
eDMA functional description and programming
Day 3
Serial Interfaces
Microsecond channel (TSB)
CRC generator
Introduction to FlexRay
Memories, Analog and system timers
Flash and SRAM
Flash organization and programming
Error Correction Code
Software Watchdog Timers (SWT)
System Timers (STM)
SAR_ADCs and SD_ADC architecture and operation
System timers (STMs), periodic interrupt timers (PITs) and watchdog
Generic Timer Module (GTM)
Timer overview
Timer Input Module (TIM)
Timer Output Module (TOM)
ARU connected Timer Out Module (ATOM)
Basic Operation and Programming
Angle Clock Generation and Operation
Functional Safety
Introduction to Functional Safety
2 cores running in Lock-step for safety Integrity
Fault Control and Collection Unit (FCCU)
Self Test Control Unit (STCU2)
Meeting ASIL 26262 Standards
Nexus Summary